Integrated Travelers Are Sensitive to their Impact on the Societies and Ecosystems they Visit

Integrated Travel is the only way to travel. It takes into account the social, ecological and economic impact that the traveler will have on the host country or location. In so doing, the integrated traveler leaves a positive footprint wherever he goes, rather than unconsciously or inadvertently having a negative impact. This blog will showcase and share best practices related to this growing field of study and application in the lives of the "everyday" traveler.

Only through applied research can we learn best practices related to this field. This often means making mistakes. Thus, we will also showcase those that could use a little help in the way they conduct travel-related business. This is done in a totally nonjudgemental way (from a research perspective), as we know that this field is a work in progress and many tourism agencies and businesses catering to travelers are often unaware of their negative impact on the host countries. We will showcase them (sometimes anonymously) as case studies that will help us learn from their mistakes and thus, help them transform their ventures into socially and ecologically conscious profitable enterprises.

Stay tuned!